The Associate Protection Professional (APP) is the first step on the ASIS International
certification ladder. This program is aimed at security professionals with 1 - 3 years'
work experience. With this certification, the security professional demonstrates
knowledge of security management, business operations, risk management and response
DutchRisk offers various programs to optimally prepare candidates for the APP exam.
Candidates may choose between an APP preparation program of 4 months,
an APP bootcamp of 3 days or a tailor-made in-company preparation program
CPP preparation program.
Our APP preparation program consists of 4 days, spread over approximately 3 months:
We starten met 2 opeenvolgende reviewdagen. Tijdens deze dagen behandelen we alle vier
with the help of the recommended study materials, supplemented with additional
background information, practical examples and practice questions.
Following the review days - approximately 6 weeks later - is a coaching day aimed at
reinforcing knowledge and guiding participants during their study period.
The final day of the program - another 6 weeks later - is an exam training aimed at rehearsal
for the exam. Candidates are encouraged to take the exam as soon as possible after the exam
training - preferably the following day.
Tussen de reviewdagen en de examentraining bieden we virtuele Q&A sessies om onze
coach our participants during their study.
Thanks to our structured approach, participants can start studying efficiently right after
the first two review days.
Our APP bootcamp consists of 4 consecutive days after which candidates are encouraged
encouraged to take the exam.
During the first two days, we cover all four APP domains with the help of the recommended
study material, supplemented by additional background information, practical examples
and practice questions. A day of exam training - aimed as a rehearsal and preparation for the
exam - closes the program.
Candidates are expected to read the recommended study material before the start
of the bootcamp.
In-company APP preparation program
Our in-company APP preparation programs are always tailor-made.
Therefore, please contact us for a proposal based on your needs.
Virtual or on location?
We prefer to physically conduct our preparation programs at a (relaxing) location as this promotes interaction. But all programs are also available virtually or in a blended-learning format.
As a security professional, distinguish yourself from the crowd and show your commitment with an APP certificate.