Open waar het kan. Gesloten waar het moet! 1

Open where possible. Closed where it must!

Een onderneming in de energiesector besluit het nieuwe werken leidend te laten zijn voor een nieuw te bouwen locatie. Maar dat levert security dilemma's op! Hoe bereik je dan toch een acceptabel securityniveau?


The site is a collection of existing buildings that are merged into one unit by a roof and glass walls. The atrium that arises serves as the central entrance to the buildings. The following general principles have been defined for the atrium and the entrance in the new situation:

  • Transparent
  • Meeting point
  • Freely accessible
  • Open character


The practical consequences have not been worked out, but must be clear before the next construction phase can start. In terms of security, this is a new approach and completely different to the current site. The assignment:

  • Mapping out dilemmas
  • Provide advice for an adequate level of security
  • Initiate interactive discussion with stakeholders
  • Future-proof and organization-wide applicable solutions


A step-by-step approach has been agreed on the basis of interviews, own observations, risk assessments and experiences elsewhere. In addition to the organizational advice and innovative solutions, the advice has contributed to a discussion within the organization about the approach to security.

Interactive sessions for buy-in

In particular, “thinking outside the box” and putting threats and risks into perspective on the basis of an objective analysis got the participants thinking in the interactive sessions.


Central to this was the conclusion that less security is possible, provided that security awareness and proactive risk management are raised to a higher level. Linked to innovative security solutions, a healthy balance is created.

Today, a number of years later, the concept is still standing and has since been rolled out to similar locations.

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