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About Lynn de Vries

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In addition to advisory, training and expertise for DutchRisk projects, Lynn is active as a privacy officer and freelance developer and teacher of various courses in the field of (information) security, security awareness and privacy.

With a degree in accountancy, she started her career in finance and over the course of more than twenty years of experience in the security industry, has developed into a versatile specialist in the field of privacy, security and information security.

Risicoanalyse en DPIA's

Lynn kan je ondersteunen bij het uitvoeren van risicoanalyses en DPIA's (data protection impact assessments) of, indien gewenst, zelfstandig en onafhankelijk risicoanalyses en DPIA's uitvoeren. Ook kan ze organisaties ondersteunen bij het inrichten van een risicobeheerscyclus en het ontwikkelen van formulieren om het proces te ondersteunen.

Privacy advice

Whether you need a privacy policy, an awareness program, or simply a privacy statement for your website, Lynn can support. No complicated advice, but practical hands-on support based on experience and with knowledge of the most recent privacy legislation. Lynn answers your practical questions and helps you from Going to Drown in Privacy Rules to becoming GDPR compliant.

Project management

Lynn can support with complex projects. From initiation and drawing up project plans, to managing the project organization and last, but not least, the final evaluation.

Strategic and business advice

How do I optimize organizational processes? Does the strategy still suit the organization or the changing circumstances? How do I bring about change? You can reach out to Lynn for answers to these and many other strategic issues. We offer added value through a project-based approach, involving stakeholders and a critical, independent view.

Business cases

Thanks to her accounting background, Lynn can provide support in preparing business cases. Not only the numbers and quantifying ROI, but also advice for presenting your case to the decision-makers.


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Lynn started her career as an accountant with Price Waterhouse, Robert Bosch and African Telephone Cables in South Africa. She then switched to the global security organization that is now active under the name G4S. Thanks to an exchange project, she ended up at the Dutch G4S.

Binnen G4S in Nederland heeft zij operationele ervaring opgedaan binnen de businessunits Security Solutions, Care & Justice Services alsmede als MT lid bij G4S Aviation Security.

Due to hear broad experience and thanks to various masterclasses, including Risk Management, Strategy and Business Process Management, her interest in advisory was aroused. Lynn holds various certifications in the field of security and privacy.

Eduction and training

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CIPM (Certified Information Privacy Manager) IAPP

CIPP/E (Certified Information Privacy Professional Europe) IAPP

Understanding GDPR (University of Groningen – Future Learn)

Masterclass Risk Management, Compliance & Governance (NCOI)

Masterclass Business Process Management (NCOI)

Masterclass Strategy and Environment (NCOI)

Masterclass Financing and Treasury (NCOI)

Communication skills (NCOI)

Bachelor of Accounting Science (University of South Africa)

Basic Principles of Public Relations (Public Relations Institute of South Africa)

Head of emergency response

Certificaat VOL-VCA


Risicoanalyse en DPIA's

Privacy advice

Project management

Strategic and business advice

Business cases



Analytical skills

Problem solving

Communication skills


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